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Clients and staff inside African AMerican Museum_edited.jpg


Every night in Baltimore we find sidewalks and benches replacing warm beds. We see cardboard and tents substituting for homes.​


Baltimore is a city that has been plagued with high levels of poverty, limited access to safe public transportation, food deserts and housing inequality. These determinants all contribute to  the high rates of homelessness, drug addiction and mental illness that impacts the residents of Baltimore City.​


Mental Health conditions are among the most chronic and disabling health conditions. One out of five U.S. adults experience mental illness each year and approximately 175,000 Baltimore City adults are living with a mental health condition. Only 43% of adults with mental health conditions will receive treatment.

Homeless tents
Homeless person

Mental health conditions are treatable, and patients do recover. As part of our mission Another Life Saved Organization provides access to mental health treatment for all of our clients.

Client Trip to DC African american Museum 2022.JPG

Since 2020 Clients served

Clients Served



Clients Served




Baltimore City







Die of Drug


Message from the Executive Director

Thank you for taking the time to visit our website. Another Life Saved Organization opened its doors in June of 2020 during the Covid 19 pandemic and we have been working hard ever since to serve homeless individuals in Baltimore City that are struggling with the diseases of addiction and mental illness. As a lifetime Baltimorean, I have experienced the ups and downs of our incredible city. The stark reality is we have always been plagued with poverty and drug addiction. Long before the opioid epidemic, Baltimore was known as the Heroin capital of the country. Add to that the current fentanyl epidemic and we in the field of Behavioral Health have witnessed the harsh results of generational addiction, year after year increasing numbers of overdose deaths along with the increased use of drugs comes the increasing violence in Baltimore City.


The impact of each overdose death reaches far beyond that person, there are friends and family members whose lives are forever changed. There are children left without a parent, parents without their children and always an empty seat at the table. We come to work each day with the desire to prevent one more family from experiencing that unimaginable pain. 


Patapasco Park Hike
Financial Literacy

ALSO staff work hard in the community to help reduce the stigma associated with mental illness and addiction. Our houses are homelike but structured and actively work to foster an environment where everyone pulls their weight. For individuals that have been used to living with no structure and no roof over their head, taking care of the house becomes a source of pride.


Time is spent rebuilding the whole person, and the ALSO team realized early on that most of our clients were struggling with social situations while not using drugs or alcohol. Leading to the creation of a program that provides social opportunities. We attend Orioles games, museums, Ravens tailgate parties, family game night, dances and days in a state park cooking out, hiking and swimming these are often new experiences for our clients.


The goal of ALSO is to make sure that our clients receive all the support they need to rebuild their lives. It is a balance between supporting them and encouraging personal autonomy.  We pride ourselves in our willingness to constantly learn and change for the benefit of our clients. 


We hope that our mission and impact will encourage you to get involved and make a difference.




Colleen Curtis 

Executive Director 


The Another Life Saved Organization Honors Your Loved Ones

Create a memorial on our Memorial Wall, a space dedicated to remembering and honoring loved ones. Each notation of remembrance is a lasting memory to the life and legacy of those we hold dear. 

A minimum $10.00 donation required for each memorial, remains posted 1 year.
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